
Submission of abstracts will be available later.

The 29th edition of the Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO2029) will take place in Vilnius, 22-28 June 2025, (arrival 22 June, departure 28 June).

CEWQO covers a broad range of topics within modern quantum optics, including


  • Fundamental aspects of quantum optics
  • Quantum correlations and entanglement
  • Non-classical states and quantum tomography
  • Open quantum systems
  • Optical angular momentum and quantum polarization
  • Quantum information processing
  • Quantum communication
  • Cavity and circuit QED
  • Quantum optics with neutrons, atoms, molecules
  • Quantum optics in condensed matter systems

Presentations will be:

► Invited and contributed talks

► Poster presentations

Enquiries should be sent to conference secretarial: cewqo29@creativa.lt